Contaminants and micro-organisms in organic and conventional food products

Lucy P.L. van de Vijver, L.A.P. Hoogenboom, N.J.G. Broex, J. van der Roest, Jan G. Bokhorst, Martin Northolt, D.J. Mevius, J.A.C. Meijs. 2006. Contaminants and micro-organisms in organic and conventional food products. Joint Organic Congress. , Odense, Denmark. 30-31 May 2006.
Pagina's / pages: 2
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

In the Netherlands we investigated animal and plant products on potentially hazardous contamination with heavy metals, mycotoxins, pesticide residues, patho-genic micro-organisms and nitrate. In most cases, the organically produced foods had equal or lower amounts of contaminants than conventionally pro-duced products.  These results conflict with a common idea that organic farming theoretically increases food safety risks. For many contaminants organic food showed a large diversity in the amount of contamina-tion. Experience with organic farming, managing and manure use partly explain these differences. Understanding of these cultivation parameters can help in further improvement of organic cultivation practices

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